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"Fundamentals of Oregon Estate Planning"


Promoting family harmony through holistic estate planning






If you want to learn how to create a true and lasting legacy, regardless of the size of your estate, look no further than this book!


There are choices to make when planning your estate. What is the legacy that you want to leave to your family? In addition to providing for your loved ones financially, do you also want to preserve and pass on your family's history, life stories and values for future generations? This book will help you understand how to accomplish your estate planning goals, whatever they may be.




  • I have a Will. Is that the best way to plan my estate?

  • I am getting divorced. How can I protect my childrens' inheritance?

  • What could happen to my young children if I do not create an estate plan?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of probate?

  • My partner and I never got married. What could happen to our assets if we do not create an estate plan?



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